Achieve true wellness with the power of Essential Oils. Become a member to unlock exclusive benefits and discounts on all products.

Here’s why I know you will love Young Living as much as I do.
Quality Ingredients
Young Living essential oils are beyond compare in purity and potency.
Industry Leading Company
Young Living is leading the industry with it’s Environmental and Ethical sourcing and business practices
Exclusive Support and Training
Join my team and access all my teaching and training on how to use essential oils safely and powerfully!
No Monthly Order Requirements
Enjoy the membership benefits, and use them however works best for you!
Begin your journey by choosing the premium starter pack that is right for you.
Thieves Starter Kit
Premium Starter Kit
CBD Starter Kit

“If you haven't worked with Erin, DO IT. No matter where you are in your personal (or business) journey, it is so important to have a guiding, supportive force that propels you forward. I prefer that person to not only be incredibly knowledgable, but also to be somewhat intuitive, and unfailingly deliver hard truths ...with kindness.”
Frequently Asked Questions
I’ve tried to answer all your questions below and in the learning center but if there’s anything you’re still unsure of, feel free to contact me anytime and a member of my team will get back to you asap.
How do I order essential oils?
If you know which oils you want, you can head here and order right away. If you aren’t quite sure which oils are best for your current life goals, check out my Essential Oils 101 course or schedule an Essential Oil Consultation with Erin.
How can I join your essential oils team?
When you place your first order using my team member #11379166 you’re automatically on my team! Keep your eyes on your email for a Welcome message and a link to our team Facebook group to access all the teaching, training, and support!
How do I get the best deal on essential oils?
When you’re starting out, the best deal is definitely our Premium Starter Kit. The oils in the kit provide support for nearly every body system and provide emotional support as well.
How can I learn more about CBD?
We have an in-depth course on CBD in our team Facebook Group! For the basics, check out my CBD 101 course (coming soon) in our free Facebook Group.
Do you offer other natural products besides essential oils?
Absolutely! We offer natural cleaners, personal care products, supplements, CBD, as well as kid-friendly, and pet friendly products too!
Are essential oils safe for pregnancy, and small children?
There are some essential oils you want to avoid during pregnancy and when applying to babies and young children. This is one of the topics we cover in our team Facebook Group! If you have any specific questions before purchasing, please reach out to erin@ivyandliight.com
Are essential oils safe around pets?
This is an important question! We have an entire course on pet safety in our team Facebook group. If you have specific questions before purchasing, our pet +oils expert Michelle would love to answer them for you. Send me an email and I’ll get you connected with her.
Can I purchase oils without becoming a YL Member?
Yes you can! You can order at retail price, and you can even join my team by using our team member #11379166 to order. But you will miss out on the 24% member discount. There are no order requirements for members beyond spending $50/year. So I highly recommend joining with a Basic Starter Kit or a Premium Starter Kit to lock in all those benefits. Learn more about member benefits in the video at the top of this page.

Book A 20-Min Discovery Call with Erin To Discuss Your Individual Needs.