Crystals for Support during Mercury Retrograde


While there is much debate over whether Retrograde is woo woo nonsense or an explainable phenomenon that affects our satellites and other atmospheric elements, there are some classic effects that are seen each time Mercury starts its "backward" march. These effects come mostly under the headings of Miscommunication and Delay and lead to advise like "Don't launch a new business idea right now," "Don't make that big decision" or "Wait to have that difficult conversation 'til later." 

This makes Mercury Retrograde sound totally scary. But just like any circumstance in life, there is no reason to only focus on the Negative. 

Instead, let's focus on the opportunities presented by Mercury Retrograde and the crystals that can help. [For more details on the science behind Mercury retrograde see this blog.]

Opportunities during Mercury Retrograde


1. Focus on Grounding: As you feel the "drag" and subtle chaos of Mercury Retrograde, you can use this as a reminder of how important it is to stay grounded, so that you have a firm balance to weather life's storms, no matter how or when they come. 

Great grounding crystals are OnyxMahogany Obsidian, and Black Tourmaline. These stones will help you release negativity and frustration, while remaining calm.


2. Promote Clear Communication: While Mercury Retrograde can cause our signals to get crossed and cause literal communication issues with the internet, we can still influence our own communication by using throat chakra crystals like Turquoise, Amazonite and Aquamarine. These crystals will keep you calm and lend clarity to your message.

Our Mercury Retrograde Necklace combines Tourmaline, Aquamarine, and Fluorite to support grounding, focus, and communication throughout MR!


3. Clear the Fog: You may feel a bit mentally or emotionally "foggy" during these 3 weeks, but clarity crystals can help you maintain good mental focus as well as enhancing your own personal insight. Clear Quartz is one of the most popular clarifying crystals, and Fluorite is another great option, especially if you need creative clarity. 

Our Mercury Retrograde Necklace combines Tourmaline, Aquamarine, and Fluorite to support all three of these areas - grounding, focus, and communication - throughout MR! Learn more here.

What are your favorite grounding, communication, and clarity crystals? I'd love for you to share how you use crystals for support in your own life. If you're just getting started with crystals, check out our Intro to Crystal Healing Workshop.  

Don't let Mercury Retrograde get you down. It is not a problem, but an opportunity. The question is will you decide to just survive or will you thrive?!

Keep Learning

Erin Hollon

Wellness Educator, Business Coach, and CEO of Ivy+Light.

March Birthstones Highlight: Aquamarine and Bloodstone for Peaceful Power