Let Go and Transform: Releasing Negative Energy
What better time for self-transformation than right now with the transient season of autumn upon us?
As summer’s rays lose their hold with cooler temps and shortened days, lush greens and florals give way to golden spectrums unmatched by any other season, and the “-ber” months move into full swing, earth itself shows the inevitability of the single word CHANGE and the beauty to be had in walking into a world of possibilities that only comes through the power of letting go.
For many people, change is unsettling rather than exciting, a dreaded phenomenon causing waves in a stagnant sea.
These are the people who choose to remain in less-than-stellar situations rather than take their chances on what might be improved circumstances, simply for the fact that it isn’t guaranteed. It’s that ever-lurking fear of the unknown.
They may very well realize that greatness awaits if they could only step out of the sphere of what they do know, but they can’t quite break free... even if it is what’s killing them. At least — they convince themselves — they know how to handle what they’re dealing with as things stand presently.
Take it from me. I’ve been there.
Giving way to change may seem so much like giving up what makes you intrinsically you.
But when you choose to let go, that is a superpower that can only propel you to astronomical heights and jumpstart your personal development in ways that will make you greater than you ever were.
Embracing change and releasing negative energies work in tandem.
When we can take even one step towards the newness of what lies ahead, we take one step away from whatever controlled our thought processes and habits and hindered us from living our fullest potential.
We cannot grasp the blessings awaiting us as long as we clasp the negatives of the past within our tightened fists. It’s time to open our hands and hearts to the future.
It is, but it’s also as easy as you want it to be.
During a period of intense difficulty in my life, circumstances had affected me in such a way that stress hormones had created a ripple effect of adrenal fatigue and hypothyroidism. I began to incorporate a series of simple steps that became a powerful tool in my arsenal and a critical part of the solution to my healing.
Instead of holding onto anxiety or stress in a given situation, I learned that while there is something to be said for taking control and “fixing the problem,” the true power is in letting go.
When a gust of wind pushes against the fading radiant leaves on a limb, they may have the strength to maintain their hold for a while longer, but there really is no reason to continue clinging there.
When the struggle to stay finally subsides and the leaves spin away in freedom and flutter to the ground, space is made for new growth in a subsequent season of life.
Five Ways to Find Freedom
Can’t live with them, can’t live without them, but not a single emotion has to control us. Any given day will see us in situations that instinctively trigger the wheel of emotions for good, better or worse, and it’s too easy to get caught up in them without even realizing the power we’re allowing them. Enter interpersonal interactions, and that’s a whole other network to navigate, since now we’re processing not only our own emotions but compiling them with someone else’s. It’s perfectly fine to stop the wheel and step off. Better yet, learn to protect yourself from the onslaught of other people’s energies.
So much of anxiety stems from fear of the unknown and worry about what might happen in the future. We build elaborate what-if scenarios so profoundly horrific that we convince ourselves of disastrous results, and then when they come to pass, we dejectedly declare that we “knew that would happen.” Except, why couldn’t good have happened instead? What if we channeled that attention and energy into envisioning ourselves on the other side of the scenario with the preferred happy ending?
We can hardly rely on people or things to make us happy. We’ve got to give ourselves permission to be happy without them. Otherwise, we’ll ever sink in a chasm of disenchantment and despair. People disappoint. Things dissatisfy. An outward-focused search for happiness or validation gives imperfect entities the power over us without even fulfilling the inner void. Let go of a need to own them. Let go of a need for them to give you what they cannot. Let go of a need for anyone else’s approval.
What’s happened can’t be undone, and while it may fuel feelings of anger, blame, guilt, or regret, those energies are crushingly heavy. Acknowledging that we can’t change the past releases us from a drive to seek justification, yet it helps us to learn from it so that we neither recreate or repeat the past. We can embrace forgiveness in no longer needing the past to be anything other than what it was. Deciding it’s okay that “it was what it was” is not condoning what happened or absolving involved parties. It only means disconnecting your chord from the past so you can move forward without dragging it along to create a clear future.
How often do we make decisions based on assumptions? Could we possibly be limiting ourselves and preventing other outcomes when we form realities based on such? Absolutely. Sometimes it’s hard to see our own worth and recognize the reality of all that we bring to the proverbial table. We so often get in our own way and allow fear of failure to close our minds to even the hopes of what could be if we extended our aspirations and believed in ourselves. Let’s change the narrative for good.
The ultimate goal in letting go is moving beyond the emotions, the attachment to outcomes, the people and things, the past, the limiting beliefs that inhibit forward progress.
Once you first acknowledge what is happening, you will also RECOGNIZE how the situation affects you and makes you feel.
Next, choose to let go of the associated emotions and RELEASE the feelings that no longer benefit you — or perhaps were not even yours to begin with. Give yourself permission to evolve, and paint a new and fresh reality for yourself.
Finally, choose to learn and grow each day as you change your approach and REPLACE those feelings with new contrasting emotions and a positive outlook that will uplift you.
Appreciation of this new state of mind will allow you to walk in the power of freedom and open a wider expanse for you to step more fully into your potential.
Energy Flows Where Attention Goes
Whatever we focus on, what we think about, becomes our reality. Why not choose a reality that will inspire and promote health and happiness? Instead of being laser-focused on a problem and thereby heightening its power and importance, switch your attention to something good, joyful, loving, and peaceful.
When you give your energy and attention to the positives and allow them to take up more and more space in your reality, you reclaim the power.
Release the hold of negativity and speak power and positivity into your life.
Trees that cannot bend with the breeze break when the gusts become too strong.
When you relinquish staunch control and stop bracing yourself against every change, you gift yourself the power to decide.
I RELEASE [anger], which no longer serves me in a positive and productive manner.
I CHOOSE [love]. I CHOOSE [love]. I CHOOSE [love].
I BELIEVE in [love]. I BELIEVE in [love]. I BELIEVE in [love].
I MANIFEST [love]. I MANIFEST [love]. I MANIFEST [love].
Replace anger and love with whatever you want to release and receive. Although you might consider a complete Full Moon Releasing Ceremony for true power over your life instead of mere control over the problems of life, this powerful technique works anytime and anywhere, even silently within your mind.
Reduce your stress and begin to be PROACTIVE instead of REACTIVE.
RECOMMENDED: Follow along with this guided meditation to help you releasing negative energy and limiting beliefs.
As you embark upon this process of change, you will encounter moments that threaten to send you back to the perceived safety of who you used to be, people who trigger you to enact what they want you to be, and thoughts that blind you to who you are meant to be.
The good news is, you’re not alone, and there are some outstanding tools to help you on your transformation journey.
Our protection oil blend combined with the properties of Onyx + Aventurine + Blue Lace Agate crystals forms a beautiful twofold shield that helps block other people’s negative vibrations even as it protects your own energy.