Reiki Infusing Crystals | What, How and Why it Boosts Healing Benefits
Today we're going to answer the questions:
What is Reiki? How do you send Reiki into crystals? Why should you care?
I've been making crystal jewelry for a long time, since the first few weeks that I started learning to use crystals for myself, for their healing benefits. If you trust that crystals can heal through their energy, then that means the energy within the crystal is going to be very important for the person wearing the jewelry. So I wanted to make sure that each piece I sold was sent to its new home with the most pure and powerful energy possible. I studied Reiki because I knew it was a reliable way to control the energy that was being put into the crystal.
“I studied Reiki because I knew it was a reliable way to control the energy that was being put into the crystal.” Ivy + Light founder, Erin Hollon
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a healing practice that was developed in Japan in the late 1800s by a man named Mikao Usui. The simplest way to explain this method is that Reiki is universal energy flowing through the body of a practitioner, and then sent out into another person;s body for healing purposes.
When someone becomes a Reiki practitioner, you're attuned to Reiki energy and taught how to appropriately use Reiki to treat other people, to treat pets, but also to send Reiki into objects. The universal energy comes in through the top of the head through the crown chakra flows through the body, flows out through the arms and into the hands.
You often feel a tingling sensation or our heat within your hands when you are sending Reiki out. And the person receiving the Reiki healing will likely feel a tingling or heat sensation too. That's how Reiki is used for standard energy healing practice.
Steps to Reiki Infusing Crystal Jewelry
Cleanse it with sage or other herbal smoke.
Draw the distance Reiki symbols over the piece, using a clear quartz point. (the distance symbol is not necessary if you are infusing a piece for your own use)
Cup both hands over the crystals
Assume a tall, grounded posture. You may wish to remove your shoes for better grounding.
Begin sending Reiki into the crystals. This is usually begun by saying the phrase “Reiki flow.”
You may experience increasing warmth or a feeling of pressure as the energy builds up within your hands.
Continue until any erratic pulsation ceases, and you feel a stable vibration emanating from the crystals.
How long will a Reiki-infused crystal stay ‘charged’ with Reiki energy?
As I'm sure you can guess, there's no specific timeline for each individual Reiki-infused crystal. One of the main factors that will "use up" the stored Reiki energy is how often and for what purposes the crystal is used. As a crystal is used for healing, especially for trauma or high stress situations, the crystal's vibration will eventually be altered by its environment/ the user's intense energy and experiences.
As the crystal vibration is the mechanism for storing information, including Reiki energy, this will cause the Reiki to dissipate as well over time. So for more intense healing purposes you'll want to cleanse and reinfuse your crystal more often. For general soothing and energizing benefits you can go longer between cleansing/infusing sessions.
You might also wonder, how will I know when it's time to reinfuse? Whenever you sense that the crystal is not working as well as it used to, or you aren't feeling the benefits as strongly, then it's a good time to cleanse and refresh that healing energy (both the Reiki and the crystal vibration will be restored by this process)
Additional Energetic Infusing Options
Align with the Crystal Vibrations:
Because my energy as the creator is very important, I focus myself on getting in tune with the energy of the crystals. This way the Reiki energy is flowing into the crystals, and I am also contributing my own energy in alignment with the crystal’s natural vibration and healing benefits.
Repeat Affirmations:
I have found that the best way for me to enter a matching vibration with the crystals is to repeat an Affirmation that I create for each specific piece. This is also a great way for my customers to tune into the crystal energy when they wear their jewelry each day.
So while the Reiki energy is flowing into the piece, I will also repeat silently to myself the matching Affirmation, for example “I am balanced. I am energized. I'm ready for the day.” I continue repeating until I feel aligned with the Affirmation, that is a true statement for me in this moment. This can take anywhere from 30 seconds to several minutes depending on how closely your vibration matched the crystals beforehand.
This Reiki + Affirmation infusing process completely prepares your crystal for healing work. It is now filled with energy, aligned with its most stable vibration, and programmed for a specific healing task.
Why Reiki Infusing is such an important part of our Ivy+Light process
CLEANSING: I'm not allowing any negative energy that might have gotten attached to these crystals through the mining process, manufacturing, storage, handling etc. to remain attached to your new piece.
UNIVERSAL ENERGY: The Reiki infusing itself fills the crystal with universal energy. I'm actually simultaneously focusing on sending that out to you, which BONUS! acts as a mini distance Reiki session.
AFFIRMATION: I’m simultaneously programming the crystals and preparing them to work at their highest potential. This entire process gets your crystals as ready as humanly possible for you to get the most from wearing and working with them.
*Blog post updated July 2024.